Tokens in copper alloys against COVID 19. (Corona virus)

Tokens in copper alloys against COVID 19. (Corona virus)

6 April 2020

In China copper is called “qi” and is the symbol for health. In Egypt it was called “ankh” the symbol for eternal life.  In India, for instance, people have been drinking out of copper cups for millennia.

For years all kind of organizations made studies about the behavior of viruses on different surfaces.

A remarkable conclusion of the studies is the efficiency of copper alloys in order to destroy all kind of bacteria and viruses.

Installation of door knobs and handles in general in copper alloys in retirement homes and in hospitals seem to reduce bacteria up to 60%. Spaces equipped with door knobs and handles in copper alloys reduces infected people up to four times less in comparison with spaces not equipped with these kind of alloys (plastic handles or stainless steel door knobs etc)

These elements make us think that copper and copper alloys could contribute to play an important role in the fight against the actual pandemic the  COVID 19 in particular and against epidemics in general.

Mauquoy Token Company can produce tokens for all kind of applications in all kinds of copper alloys (brass, ..) At the moment we are highlighting the importance of the use of trolley tokens in the fight against COVID 19.

Customers are in general obliged to take a trolley in the supermarket these days. A lot of customers are not prepared to this situation and don’t have coins in their pocket. The perfect moment to distribute personalized trolley tokens to your customers. Let’s fight together against corona!

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