Our tokens as lucky charms

Our tokens as lucky charms

14 November 2017

In the context of the “Festival du Conte de Liège” (for more information see http://www.liege.be/nouveautes/festival-du-conte-de-liege-du-30-09-au-31-10 -2017) we produced a token that served as a lucky charm.

One of the activities of this festival was a search called “Quête de l’amulette porte-bonheur”. Participants received a card with images that they should have stamped. Each time they met a story teller, they stamped an image on the map.

When the card was completely stamped (3 stamps) they had to take a skill test, after which they received a token”les contes mystérieux de la Chartreuse” as a lucky charm.

Again a very nice application performed in brass with very nice personalized tokens!

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