3 December 2019
For several years the Rotary club is engaged in the preventive battle against all kinds of diseases.
Since 2015, the Rotary club in France innovates with the action “Jeton Cancer”. Actually, it concernes a very simple action. Every year, volunteers organize on one single day a collection at the entrance of large super markets. On that specific day they sell trolley tokens for one euro. The collection takes place every first Saturday of February and so the date situates near by the world day against cancer on February the 4 th.
At first the action occured only in one region in France but has been expanded to a lot of large regions in France. Through this action they have collected more than 500.000 euro since 2015 whereof ca 150.000 euro in 2019.
The benefit of the collection is integrally used for the purchase of material that is used in the investigation of cancer.
To celebrate the fifth edition of this action the tokens will be offered in metal for the first time on Februay the 1 st 2020 so they also contribute in the fight against plastic at the same time.
Mauquoy Token Company was asked to produce this metal coins. We are very happy we are able to join such a beautiful and meaningful project!
22 January 2025
19 December 2024
10 October 2024