New building Royal Dutch Mint in a comic

New building Royal Dutch Mint in a comic

20 April 2021

Look at this! The new building of our sister company, The Royal Dutch Mint, is displayed in 1,000,000 (!) Scrooge McDuck comic books. This publication is part of the annual “European Money Week” in the Netherlands which took place from 22 to 26 March. Money Week is an initiative of the platform “Wijzer in geldzaken” (which translates  into “wiser with money”). Under the motto “what is learned in the cradle is carried to the tomb”, the platform wants to prepare children and young people for their future financial self-confidence. Money Week is an important driver for stimulating the financial skills of children and young people, both at school and at home. The 10th edition of this project week took place in 2021 (

In this special edition for Money Week you will find all kinds of fun and exciting stories about money under the motto: “Learning how to handle money is worth its weight in gold”!

And it is nice to see that the new building of the Royal Dutch Mint has secured a place in this edition!​

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