Local currencies are on the rise and Token Company is in !

Local currencies are on the rise and Token Company is in !

20 October 2020

Fureai kippu is a Japanese local currency that people could earn by helping seniors in their community.

Brixton pounds were  designed to keep money circulating in the local Brixton economy, to support the people who live and work in the community, rather than faceless shareholders and banks

In Belgium (Turnhout) they introduced “troeven” as a local community currency that residents could earn by helping other people or by volunteering. For instance when they clean up litter or when they take out a senior for a walk.

These are only a few examples of local, community or social currencies. Apparently there are getting very popular recently.

We also received some demands of this kind recently and created some awesome “local currency” coins. The Vellachtaler gift coins were a nice example because they were local currency coins launched in order to fight against online sales and sales outside Eisenkappel-Vellac. https://www.tokencompany.com/?p=40871

Still work in progress but at the moment we are working on probably the first social currency in the world linked to microcredits.  We keep you posted when the project is accomplished..coming soon..!!

#Localcurrencies #communitycurrency #socialcurrency

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