Golf – driving range tokens for the golf HUB in Catalunya

Golf – driving range tokens for the golf HUB in Catalunya

3 April 2019

We recently produced some beautiful golf-driving range tokens to be used on the range balls machine on the Driving Range area at THE GOLF HUB in Catalunya (

Hereby we provide some general and usefull information on this kind of tokens.

  • Most ball dispensing machines on golf courses work with tokens because it is the cheapest and most comprehensive way to make customers pay for their consumption.
  • By selling tokens in the club house or via a change machine, members can pay with any means they like and there is no machine filled with money on the golf course.
  • Golf ball dispensing machines are often equipped with simple mechanical coin validators that allow all similar coins of a certain size. To protect the golf course operator against fake tokens, many golf ball dispensers have a front plate with a specific profile that only accepts the corresponding grooved tokens.
  • Most popular tokens for golf clubs:
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