Pay with “hard” cash : bitcoins, ethereum, stratis, ripple, electroneum,…
A cryptocurrency is a method to exchange virtual currencies. The crypto coins are sent as encrypted series programming code over the internet. That encryption is called ‘cryptography’, hence the term cryptocurrency. You can either buy or sell crypto currency in exchange for real money like euro’s or dollars.
So a cryptocurrency is a “digital” currency.
Undoubtedly the bit coin is the best known member of the family of crypto coins.
More and more, however, we encounter physical “hard cash ” (bit) coins on the internet. Does this have the same value as a bitcoin or …. is it just a nice gadget, a marketing tool, …?
So physical coins can not be used as a real cryptocurrency.
Sometimes such a physical coin functions as a cryptocurrency wallet. In that case the physical coin contains a digital component which includes the private key that gives acces to a specific blockchain. However the American government has already forbidden to produce this kind of tokens in 2013 (counterfeiting). Besides, a “hardware” wallet is much more convenient in use and a lot safer than a physical coin.
And yet there is a lot of enthusiasm among the physical crypto coins such as bitcoins. A lot of people just seem to like having a “real” bitcoin… Mostly we are dealing with “nice-to- have’s”, “gadgets”, “collector” items, marketing projects…
We already produced some very nice looking coins with the logo of a bitcoin for a few clients in the scope of various projects. Everything can be custom made : gold or silver color, various diameters and various thicknesses. The coins can also be personalised and provided with your own logo.
Do you want to surprise your cryptofriends or do you fancy a “crypto” project ? Please contact us and we will work something out for you and we will make you a nice offer.
Or to express it with the words of the testimony of a client : “They are just promotional items given away at events to make the virtual, physical…